This week we will tell you about our almost 2-year-old Alen from Spitak.
Alen is not only the youngest of five children in their family, but also the youngest hero of our #wednesdaymeetourheros series.
Alen’s most favorite thing is playing with his dad and his twin brother, Aren. During his treatment at the Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders Center, he misses Aren very much, and their rare meetings are full of hugs, kisses, and long conversations in a language understandable only to them.
Alencho loves to play with balls, paper, as well as pans, spoons and ladles. His favorite “toys” include also badges of his doctors Ruzanna Papyan and Anna Avagyan, which Alen “grabs” during their every visit and does not return.
He also enjoys “tashik” and starts to dance to any sound reminiscent of music.
Alen’s hero mom, who, by the way, also has a grandchild, dreams of taking her twin babies (photo in the comments) for a walk as soon as it is warm enough. and for that reason it’d be great for our boy to have a bicycle (with a handle for the parent).


P. S. Our beloved partner Yerazank NGO expressed willingness to fulfill the dream of the youngest of our heroes, Alen: Alen and his twin brother Aren already have bicycles.
During the meeting all the beautiful ladies fell in love with our Alencho and they agreed to meet again soon.
We are very grateful to Yerazank NGO for fulfilling the wish of our sweet boy.

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