Today, our hero is Tatev, a 4-year-old from the Lori region. One encounter with her and you will never forget her. She will come and hug you tightly, asking different questions, even without knowing you.
This sociable and charming young girl easily befriends nearly every child receiving treatment at the Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Armenia.
Her outgoing nature is rooted in her large family, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their fourth child. Tatev is saddened by the possibility that her mother may not be able to accompany her to the hospital due to caring for the newborn. Yet, she remains resolute, offering encouragement to all by saying, “I’ll get better, and then I’ll be back.”
While undergoing treatment at the hospital, Tatev eagerly waits for her father’s visits, as when he comes, it means she is going home.
Tatev’s dream is to have a spacious pink bed where her mother can read her fairytales before she drifts off into sweet dreams.

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